Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Will You Sign My Yearbook?

If you want to have a round of good old belly laughs just go to this site!! It is extremely easy. My business partner introduced it to us at the office today and we had a blast. You can adjust the photo in the beginning and further adjust each "shot" by putting your cursor near the bottom edge of each pose.

When I got home this evening I played around with my daughter's pictures. She and I had a hoot. I don't normally post photos of my kid on this blog, but I feel pretty safe revealing the ones above. The original photo was taken during bath time when she was about 1 year old. That open mouth, toothless smile was perfect for having some fun with the yearbook site. These poses remind me of the American Girl collector dolls - that didn't quite make it to the catalog. Perhaps they sell for super discount prices at the AG outlet store. :)

I have also experimented with a photo of my husband. There are guy options too! I don't dare post any on the blog, but I may forward a shot or two (especially the Mullet pose) to his grown up children. It is priceless!

If you are stressed out or in a rut, do yourself a favor go to this site...now.

1 comment:

The Momma said...

Hi.lari.ous. :) :) :) :) :) :)