Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Let's Try This Again

OK, I'm having trouble with the Mac laptop. We may have to divorce (at least for blogging purposes) due to irreconcilable differences. The first "empty post" was an accident - one that I intended to delete. The second "empty post" is a mystery. I had a title, a cute story and who knows where the post actually is. Weird. Anyway....I will try to recap. It's a bit like trying to say something you are quite excited about and someone interrupts you - stealing the moment taking the wind out of your sails.

Every time Z would be around while the olympics were on she would ask, "Are you watching The Connectles"? I would furrow my brow, try to fathom what she was talking about, and I would reply, "No, I'm watching the olympics". She would snap right back, "No that's The Connectles". I assumed she was imagining some superhero type thing. At five, the lines of reality and fantasy are often times blurry, to say the least.

Finally, near the last day of the games, she looked at the TV screen and pointed to the Bejing 2008 logo in the corner of the screen and said, "There's the connectles"! I did one of those slow burns that you often see in cheesey comedy shows, where Lucy or Ralph Kramden finally "get it". In the corner of the screen, just under the logo were the colorful olympic rings....CONNECTED to each other. The Connectles!

Well, it's kind of silly, and perhaps only interesting to me, but I do believe our family now has a unique word that will be used for years to come. And we will pass the torch to the next generation.

Any specially coined word your family uses that would puzzle those outside your circle?

1 comment:

The Momma said...

Connectles. That's a good one!
We have several. Some require a story, other's like: shampoop are just a play on a normal word that we like to mix up. :)