Monday, October 6, 2008

Rock The Vote!

This weekend I was folding laundry, watching some politial show on TV while Z was bouncing around the room. One of the reporters mentioned John McCain and Z asked if McCain was going to be president.

Trying to capture a "teaching moment", I explained that we don't know yet who will be president - that Barack Obama and John McCain both want to be president but the American people will cast their vote next month to decide who will get the job.
I was curious about the gut reaction a five year old might have to either candidate. Here's the rest of the conversation:

Me: So, Z, who would you like to see become president? Barack Obama or John McCain?

Z: (After a moment of cute deliberation with her index finger perched on her chin) I think.... Barack Obama.

M: What is it about Barack Obama that makes you choose him over John McCain?

Z: His name sounds like "rock & roll" -- and I love rock & roll!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rock on, little Zoe! K and N are particular fans of the Red Hot Chili Peppers.