Saturday, August 9, 2008

I'm Wireless

Today I got the mac laptop set up to be wireless. As Z would say proudly - ALL BY MYSELF! I still can't believe I'm typing on my sofa. ANd the wireless set up at my house finally worked today. After I had tried it a zillion times before it just came together all made sense today. Maybe it was the easy to understand configuration diagram in the MAC wireless adapter I got. Anyway, it worked. Praise the Lord.

My toolbar for posting blog messages has really disappeared. When I go to the post section of blogspot I get a place to put a title and the text. That's it. No buttons for inserting a pic, bolding, underlining etc. That is my next conquest - the case of the missing toolbar!

I must begin to put some food on the table. Z and I went to a birthday party at Pump Up the Fun this afternoon. I hope she jumped herself right into an early bedtime tonight. We've been very bad with late bedtimes lately. Kindergarten starts on the 26th and our late nights and late mornings are going to be history soon. The nightowl in me is in for a jolt.

Goodbye for now, internets.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on coming to the world of mac.