Friday, August 8, 2008

Apple Girl

I'm posting this using a MAC! We have a laptop at the office that was abandoned an employee who was studying graphic design and quit. No one else knew what do do with it. I have been studying, and I'm getting the hang of it. The screen size sucks - 12.5 inches. Near middle-aged eyes get tired! I'm determined to get the wireless card installed. It looks easy, but we'll see. One thing at a time. Of all the people I know, Doug will be the most proud of me.

Now I'm confused!? Where are all my tools that let me make things bold, italics, underline, insert a photo, different fonts? I really am confused! I better study some more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are sooooo lucky to have a MAC. i dream of the day that I can get one.