Sunday, August 17, 2008

Gold Medal in Geography

Today while doing LOTS of laundry I was also watching the Olympics, of course. Z wanted to watch also. She had lots of questions about, well, everything. One thing that was mentioned often was the country each competitor was from.

Suddenly I remembered a huge map of the world and another huge map of the USA I had picked up at Target while shopping for school supplies. They were still in the package because I had no idea where I wanted to put them. I found the push pins and now the maps are on the wall beside the TV and behind the sofa. It was really fun to point out and talk about the various countries of the competitors and the place where the games are being held. Z doesn't have a perspective about how near or far away these places are, but she does LOVE both maps.

As for myself, I have always felt quite geographically challenged. It was nice to reacquaint myself with the world and US maps and give my little gal more of a jump start on geography, other cultures, etc than I ever had.

I'm looking forward to all the opportunities during the Olympics - and for years to come - to consult the maps and learn, learn, learn.

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